News for TBCians

Happy new month everyone!

This is the newest article for the TBCians, Please read and understand every details.

"Who’s talking about the “Secret War?”  I’d be surprised if 10% of the adults of this world even know that there is a “Secret War!”  When it comes to war, most only look at the military conflicts that are ever present, and don’t realize that the “Secret War” is the root cause of these terrible conflicts.  The “Secret War” is between the Elite and Everyone Else!  Humanity is being assaulted on every side imaginable by the Elite.  These Elite know exactly what they are doing, and they believe they can achieve God-like power and immortality if they win; at the expense of all of the rest of us.  We are just insects to them and we must be terminated in mass to make room for a world they would consider a utopia.

The Elite want YOU to believe that every conspiracy they perpetuate upon the masses is just a wild conspiracy theory.  Please don’t confuse the FACTS of a conspiracy with conspiracy theories.  If it was just one evil person bringing about all of this evil upon Earth, then there wouldn’t be a conspiracy.  There is evidence of the hidden hand of the Elite within a thousand subjects.  Study of any one of these subjects and you will see ties back to the wealth and power of these Elite:

Central Banking; Shadow Government; Fake News; Fake Science; Mind Control; Secret Societies; Occult; Pizza-Gate; 911 Truth; False Flag Events; Chem-trails; Water Fluoridation; GMO Food; Dangerous Vaccinations; and the list goes on and on and if I were to complete it you’d stop reading this article.

The Elite have convinced most people to quickly chalk up these as conspiracy theories because the truth can be overwhelming and they have trained us to believe that “One Person Can Not Make a Difference.”  Ignorance is ‘”Bliss” after-all.  But is it?  Just because you want to ignore all of these things, doesn’t mean they will not have any effect on you personally.  Are you broke?  Are you sick?  Are you tired?  Are you upset in any way?  Do you feel disconnected from others?  –From God?  Is this how life is suppose to be?  WAKE UP!

It’s time to get the secret out!  Once you wake up, you quickly realize that the only way to win against this evil is to unite with other good people and work together to wake up as many others as you can as fast as possible.  Then it will become clear that “The People” need to organize on every front of this battle and push back against it all.  Prayer is not out of the question; I take great comfort in prayer.  The best organizations are driven from the bottom up, and the people feel empowered at every level.  The Elite use a variety of top-down approaches and they can afford it.  But that is also their weakness.  If the masses were to completely awaken to the truth, then the Elite would no longer have the support needed to press forward with all of their destructive agendas.  So, we can’t afford to keep all of this a secret.

The purpose of TBC is PROTECTION.  Please study this article:

Here is the MISSION of TBC:  Our mission is to serve one another with love and respect and use TheBillionCoin to lift humanity out of hunger, poverty, and misery. May the scales of ignorance fall from each that we touch; and may they each embrace a life full of abundance and prosperity as they accept our offer of free membership within TheBillionCoin community. That within it they can enjoy all the benefits of using a completely decentralized crypto-currency, that truly respects the financial privacy of each that use it. It’s within our power to bring in merchants of all kinds from every corner of the Earth to accept TBC for payment for their goods and services. May TheBillionCoin reach its full potential one day when the community grows to a Billion verified members locking the Ultimate Price of TBC to One-Billion-Euros per coin. Our mission is great! Our Mission is good! May each of us do our part to fulfill it.

Greed may motivate some of you to promote TBC because we are creating so many Millionaires and Billionaires automatically, but that is a very weak reason to promote TBC.  Once you realize that we as a private group are on track to bring together a Billion people and properly fund all of them then your eyes will be open to see that we can have all the power needed to push back against the Elite.  The real truth is they need us; we really don’t need them if we have each other!  We have some work to do, yes!  But the Kringle Cash Gift makes that work a joy, and it is very profitable if you do it the right way.  Spreading TBC and the Kringle Cash Gift can be the answer to all of your personal financial needs, both in the short; mid; and long-terms!

I watch TBC Testimonial videos everyday and I’ve personally seen hundreds of them from the beginning to their ends.  Most tickle the greed as a way to motivate others to join us in TBC.  I’d love to see more TBC Testimonial videos discussing the purpose of TBC and our effort to unite a Billion people quickly to work with us to solve humanities most pressing problems.  Just imagine a world full of love and abundance, where happiness is commonplace and technological advancement is done sensibly.  That can be our legacy!  We can have it now!  Let’s take full advantage of the remaining time to share the opportunity to receive a gift that will be worth $500,000.00 per person.

TBC is the solution!  Not only can it awaken the masses, it will gather and unite a Billion people from all over the world, and it will fund all of their good deeds and passions for a better life for all!  Please watch our introductory video from the beginning to the end".


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