19-Years-Old German Developer Spearheads TRON (TRX) Opensource Wallet DApp

No doubt that Tron community is preparing for mainnet launch, with different ideas coming in from all roads. As part of its readiness, Tron has unveiled its Opensource Wallet DApp developed by 19-year old German developer, Marius Gill, who has been programming since 13 years old.
The DApp is an outcome of Project Genesis, which was launched in March 2018 purposely to encourage TRON’s community engagement in bringing in new things into Tron ecosystem. The project provides a bonus pool of 2 billion dollars for active members around the world have lent their hands in implementing ideas for the community.
The Tron wallet, according to a statement by Tron Foundation, is a multifunctional wallet designed for TRON network, purposely to interact quickly and easily with investors’ accounts, while keeping their TRX and other account data safe in a cold wallet setup.
The wallet which features Hot/Cold switch and offline signing mechanism, signifies a much safer wallet when compared with other digital asset managers.
The developer was introduced into the Tron community around May. Marius caught the eyes of TRON foundation after quitting programming for a complete year, before deciding to work on learning about TRON’s Programming Contest project, which made him work 12+ hours a day.
Interestingly, Marius designed a “multifunctional wallet DApp based on TRON protocol that combines cold, hot and watch only setups,” Tron Foundation has said, adding that the young programmer stated that the project means special to him and he is not doing it for financial reasons.
While Marius means a lot to Tron team, the 19-year old programmer, who was encouraged to work on iOS did not have any iOS devices.
For this, he was introduced to TRON LOAN, another community promotion program that promised an amount of USD$100,000 so that he would complete and improve on this DApp.
Surprisingly, Marius, received a 100,000-dollar TRON LOAN, making him to complete the development hassle free.
“The chance of award is less significant to me than getting involved and sharing experiences with peers in the TRON community so that I get more time for test and optimization, he said after winning the award.
While other developers do not want to make their idea opensource, Marius opensourced his project immediately it was done, giving himself the title of “a generous tutor.”
“To get it better. That’s why I made it opensource early,” he said after all.
Ahead of the mainnet launch, the team behind Tron are fully prepared, setting significant dates for the smooth migration from ERC20 to their personally designed and managed mainnet.


  1. Nice article and thanks for sharing your knowledge.Tron


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