Sleeping in His Car and Working Two Jobs: Man Goes All In on Crypto

If you had one opportunity to seize everything you ever wanted, would you capture it or just let it slip? So convinced is one man that cryptocurrency is the future, he’s given up his apartment and is living in his car while putting every spare cent towards his crypto portfolio.

Crypto or Bust

Last year, as bitcoin mania escalated, stories began to surface of men mortgaging their homes and going all in on crypto. But it’s not just homeowners that have given up everything in the pursuit of crypto glory: one man has forsaken his apartment in favor of living out of his car. It’s a life choice that even the most ardent of bitcoin maximalists would deem excessive, but then crypto has a tendency to attract extremists possessed with a fervent zeal.
Sleeping in His Car and Working Two Jobs: Man Goes All In on Crypto
The Canadian man, posting under the handle “Livinginmycar”, shared his sleeping arrangements on 4chan’s biz message board, where crypto traders assemble to shitpost and share portfolios. Some commenters were supportive of his cause, while others were less sympathetic, one writing: “How fucking retarded are you brainlet, when you think that crypto will make you rich?…Money was made and you missed the train. Good luck waking up with 30 and being broke.” OP (i.e the original poster who started the thread) remains undaunted however, explaining how he balks at paying $800 per month in rent because “that money belongs in my crypto stack”.
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