What makes  LCFHCoin exceptional is that you do not have to buy the coins; They are literally available to you  at no cost  and now the company brings together the best leaders in the world to spread the news and recruit more members with great rewards.Check here to know more about the company obective
 Free Registration- Registration Bonus:  
Free registration-registration bonus: $ 1,380 in points on your dashboard 
 April 9 - June 2017. 
 Leadership grades and bonuses 
*1 Star Leader 
When you return 20 people and have at least 200 members on your team, you will be promoted to the rank of 1-Star Leader, known as Team Leader. With a reward of $ 26,000. 
Withdrawal limit: to be advised on the latter.
*2 Star Leader  
When you have 6 team leaders from your direct (level 1) or indirect (L2, L3, L4 ...), you will be promoted to 2 star Leader, known as the City Leader with a reward $ 50,000 
Withdrawal limit: to be notified above.
*3 star or provincial leader  
When you have 6 city leaders from your direct (level 1) or indirect (L2, L3, L4 ...) lines, you will be promoted to the 3-star chef known as the A reward of $ 80,000. 
Withdrawal limit: to be notified above.
*4 Star or State Leader 
When you have 6 Provincial Leaders in your direct (level 1) or indirect (L2, L3, L4 ...), you will be promoted to 4 Star Leader known as Head of State with a reward Of $ 110,000 
Withdrawal limit: to be notified above.
*5 Star or Nation Leader  
When you have 3 state leaders from your direct (level 1) or indirect (L2, L3, L4 ...), you will be promoted to a 5 star Leader, known as the National Leader With a reward of $ 300,000. 
Withdrawal limit: to be notified above.
*Other benefits 
*Direct Referral Bonus
US $ 100 in Points for each direct descendant level 1 line you are referring to.
*Support for local office operation  
Monthly salary if employed, including other benefits that will be announced later.
All free users, including star chefs, will get $ 1,380 / points, but after the deduction of $ 100 / points for activation / verification fees, the balance becomes $ 1,280 / Points. The points will be used in three ways, as follows: - 
(1) 1/3 of $ 1280 = $ 420 for consumptions (purchase of more than 600,000 products + goods and services on Alibaba, Amazon etc.) 2) $ 420 / points to purchase parts for split system (8 times over 2 years) and (3) $ 420 / points for immediate depreciation or after a certain period of time. RETAIN YOUR CONSUMED PARTS: - If you consumed X quantity of coins for purchases and your total bursts consumed 25 times the amount of X,

STAR-30% of 26,000points = 7,800 points ($), 
2 STAR -30% of 50,000points = 15,000points ($), 
3 STAR-50% of 80,000points = 40,000points ($) and 
4 STAR-100% of 110,000points = 110,000points ($). 
Please note; That withdrawal limits are subject to change without any authorization.


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