This is a very exciting time for TBC.  There has been (as early as June 2017) the Official Worldwide TBC Fiat Currency Exchange ready to test.  The Bank Exchange Partner and Admin are very excited to bring TBC into the mainstream with the Fiat Currency Exchange mentioned in the last article:http://blog.thebillioncoin.info/2017/05/15/the-price-of-success-in-tbc-is-so-low-postervideoarticle/

It is not a trading platform!  It is not a peer to peer escrow service!  It is a TBC Fiat Currency Exchange for the major currencies from around the world much like what you see at the airport, only this will be accessible online!  Super Exciting!  Convert TBC into Fiat Currencies like the USD and EUR in a matter of minutes; plus many many more!

There is currently  227,742 Verified Members in TBC today and 149,561 of them have already set up their Kringle.Cash accounts.  In both cases this is too many people to start a test with because like all things tech this will need to be tested and debugged as needed.  Otherwise, it could end up in chaos.  Plus, by the time the Exchange is been rolled out it is expected that the membership numbers is well over a million by then.  

That’s just too many people to start the TBC currency exchange to fiat.  So, it is a believe that 10,000 people is the perfect test group to get this started.  It being a large number it has been however agreed that whatever chaos that may come out of this test with that size group it could be managed.  The selection process for TESTERS is very simple.  All you need to do to become a TESTER is be within the first 10,000 that pay your $10 annual fee upfront for your Kringle.Cash Back Office.  People that just pay the monthly $1 fee for Kringle.Cash are not committed enough to be TESTERS!  

 The test period has been expected to last for 6 to 8 weeks, maybe longer depending on how well the test group follows instructions. Then an email would be sent out in bulk to the first 10,000 people qualified to become TESTERS and will ask for confirmation that they want the job from each of them.  Based on the expiration dates of the FREE trial period of use and access to the Kringle.Cash Back Office it is fully expected to fill all 10,000 TESTER positions within a week from today.  So, if you want to be a TESTER do not delay making that $10 payment in Bitcoin.  Once the door is closed on this special opportunity, it is closed and final!  Why wont  any of the TBC Members be one of these 10,000 TESTERS?!  So, you all should hurry up to get in line for this!

Once the Bank Exchange Partner and Admin agree that the test was a success and all of the bugs that may show up get sorted out properly, then the Official Worldwide TBC Fiat Currency Exchange would be opened up to the entire TBC community, all at once at that time; even if the TBC community reaches a Billion Members before conclusion of the testing. It is a game changer in the crypto-currency world!  and such an exciting time for each and everyone that believe in TBC and its mission to End Poverty globally!


Thanks to you all that have been faithful in honoring the Membership Agreement, and for every effort that has been made in building up the TBC community.  NOW COMES THE REWARD!!!

I decided to share this because some people still don't know about the fiat exchange and even the backup testers that is needed now, all you need is a payment of $10 in bitcoin to be part of the backup testers.


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