BITCOIN EYES $4000! 40 Billion Increase Since August 1st, 2017

An Open Letter From CCB Master Team Leader Paul Morris

First, let me say that 99% of the world does not own or ever has owned any part 
of a Bitcoin. 

When CCB 1st pre-launch Bitcoin was as low as $1950 a Bitcoin. This means if CCB encouraged you to buy even 1/10th of a Bitcoin when it launched for $195 less than 30 days ago when it pre-launched it would currently already be worth almost $400 with the potential of growing to over $1000 by the end of the year. Then you add the 2X's pool which would actually pay you back 2x's current or future value of such coin in time. This is an example at just 1/10. Some of you already came it a Bronze for 1.5 Bitcoin at a US $ cost as low as $3,000 and today it is already valued at almost $6,000 a $3000 increase in less than 30 days. Congratulation to anyone who already purchased an FAU Diamond package 30 days ago you are already up over $30,000 then we have to add the 2X's factor which would pay back at today's prices over $100,000. and that is if Bitcoin never went up another penny. But many experts are predicting $5,000 to $10,000 a Bitcoin by the end of 2017.

Now regarding the .03 Bitcoin or the .05 Bitcoin FAU.

It is possible that your sponsor did not explain things properly, but the company has not even launched yet.  The target date for the official launch is September 19, 2017.  This pre-launch was originally intended for friends and family to test the system and for the company to look at the actuarial data and determine the best way to tweak the program for maximum efficiency.  Any tweaks or plan enhancements are being implemented to make the program stronger and to reward the ones really building the business and to guarantee the company can stay in business.  This is a real company, looking for real people.  Early data analysis has shown a lot of fake names and fake email addresses and people placed in the program without them even knowing they were in the program. (Everyday people call and ask, “why did I receive this email I do not remember enrolling in this company”) This alters the integrity of the payout and affects the operation by taking up massive amounts of bandwidth and causing problems with servers that get a lot of email address that bounce back. Servers will start blocking email delivery from companies they believe are spamming.

This company is being designed for LONG TERM.  

This is not a here today, gone tomorrow scam.  They are looking for authentic persons who are looking for a legitimate program that will stand the test of time and still be here years and years from now where people can start for free - earn up to 100,000 of CCB cryptocoin if they never participate in the FAU side of the program.  But just like any other legitimate MLM program, there are enrollment fees after the free trial.  The average MLM charges anywhere from $49.95 to $250 to join or for their starter kit, with the average being around $100.00... with no chance of having the fee waived. CCB waives the fee if you have .05 Bitcoin working for you in the FAU program that will double in time the .05 to .10 bitcoins that will more than reimburse you for the .05 you paid.  You can also waive the fee by enrolling three people who have purchased a .05 Bitcoin FAU package.

Having been in MLM for 49 years

I believe this to be standard in the industry and very reasonable for all that is offered in terms of potential earnings and the high level of security provided.

As the email and the website explains, you earn $50 worth of CCB Cryptocurrency upon registration and $10 worth of CCB cryptocurrency for each one you enroll, and $2.00 worth of CCB cryptocurrency for each person in your 2x20 matrix depending on how many levels you are qualified for up to a maximum of $100,000.00 worth of CCB crypto currency.  Currently there is no value to the CCB crypto coin until their initial coin offering. However, they have vendors coming online that will be accepting CCB crypto coin 50% 50% with Bitcoin. Once the coin gets listed on an exchange it can be exchanged for Bitcoin.

With ICO’s producing amazing growth results with new coin offerings this is an excellent opportunity to amass a huge amount of the crypto currency that could come out at a very low price and skyrocket from there. (No guarantees what it will come out at or how fast it will climb, but the potential is there).

You and everyone you know should consider participating with this one as I believe it has more potential to succeed than all the others I have seen in the industry.  I believe to not work this program as hard as you can for the next month or so will cause you to have great regret for not doing so.

Once on an exchange, you can trade the CCB coin for Bitcoin and with Bitcoin predicted to climb to $5,000 to $10,000 by the end of the year with others saying $50,000 by 2020. NOW is the time to be accumulating Bitcoin and CCB’s FAU side of the program is a great way for folks to start out small and double their bitcoin over and over again until they have a nice nest egg for their future.

If you have any questions please send them to with the word QUESTION in the SUBJECT LINE and I will put together a Q&A page and ask the company to post it in the back office. Also if you are serious and wish to get started with an FAU Bitcoin Package. See the instructions below on how to do so.

Who is Paul Morris

Paul Morris is a top network marketer and trainer who has been building marketing organizations for 47 years. He is known as the mentor’s mentor. He is a former Amway Executive Diamond and has been #1 in the nation with several network marketing companies.

Paul has built several organizations to in excess of fifty thousand and to well over one hundred thousand distributors. One organization was approaching one half million distributors / customers. Paul has held monthly volumes in his downline organization alone in excess of 15 million dollars per month.

Many people ‘practice what they preach,’ but Paul a former school teacher with a bachelor’s degree in Education with a minor in Psychology "Preaches what he practices” and has practiced his entire life. Paul has been an authorized facilitator for the Lou Tice, Pacific Institute of Seattle, Washington conducting seminars around the world on the power of self-talk and affirmations. He is also the owner of an “Owens Training of America” distributorship for the greater Delaware Valley area encompassing the Philadelphia geographical area and has taught numerous seminars locally and globally on the psychology of one’s inner drives and motivations and character types and how to relate with each one and what techniques to implement to eliminate fear from one’s life and become pure “love motivated”.

Paul’s hobby is growing organic vegetables in his own back yard. He encourages people to “grow what they eat, and eat what they grow.” On the social/spiritual side of life, Paul has spent much of his free time in Scouting, Jail and Prison Ministry and other outreach ministries. He is happily married and the father of three children and has six grandchildren. Whether it is a group of 14 in a living room or a crowd of 14,000 in an auditorium, Paul is sure to have them laughing, crying, and ultimately motivated and inspired to become all that they are capable of becoming. Paul’s philosophy is that success in this industry is not measured by the dollars you earned but rather by the lives you have touched and influenced in a positive way.


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