Why Did Bitcoin 'Fork' Today and What is 'Bitcoin Cash?'

"Bitcoin Cash" is a variant that aims to speed up how quickly transactions are processed

Bitcoin prices are holding steady after a splinter group within the cryptocurrency community broke off and formed their own secondary version of the digital asset, NBC News reported.
Called "Bitcoin Cash," the Bitcoin variant aims to speed up how quickly transactions are processed.
Bitcoin was trading around $2,700 before and after the split, also known as a "fork."
The new variant has fluctuated between around $200 and $400, according to coinmarketcap.com. A different software upgrade set to go into effect this fall to achieve the same result was accepted by a majority of the members of the Bitcoin community after a vote on the change was held yesterday.
Bitcoin transactions, grouped into "blocks" linked together in a "blockchain" have always taken on average 10 minutes each to process. But as the virtual currency's popularity has grown, used for everything buying pizza to anonymously buying illegal drugs on online black markets, the transaction network has started to get bogged down.
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