CCBMLM WARNING - 99% + 10- 10- 10


 99% of all Bitcoin 2x's, 3x's and trading opportunities are SCAMS. They are all based on a 
Ponzi. Millions if not Billions of dollars have been lost over the last 12 months. All with the 
same MO. Tens of thousands of people have lost and continue to lose money in programs 
such as GLADIACOIN, ECoinPlus, JET-COIN and hundreds of others. Trillions of 
dollars are in the marketplace earning only 4% or 5% annually. Only unknowing suspects 
are out there being lead to part with their money by these programs. YES MANY 
WILL MAKE MONEY but it will come from MANY MORE LOSING MONEY except with the...


The reason why CCB is a real deal is that it's profits will not come from trading but from e-
commerce of products and services which will be paid for using CCB Cryptocurrency. 
Currently there are several with several hundred more who will be selling their products 
and services and accepting CCM Cryptocurrency at the same value as Bitcoin. So at this 
moment BITCOIN is estimated at $3000 plus so if they were selling a product or a service 
for let's say 1 Bitcoin valued at $3000 they would also take $3000 of CCM Cryptocurrency or $1500 of BITCOIN and $1500 of CCM Cryptocurrency.

Here is what the PROS are saying: "People who are going to benefit from Bitcoin Cash are 

the ones who see it as free money, so they can then invest in something else. It’s going to be a race to see who can sell it the fastest." Will Bitcoin Reach $5,000? With bitcoin’s price achieving a massive leap it begs the question: 

can it reach $4,000 or $5,000? Last month, Sheba Jafari, Goldman Sachs chief analyst, predicted that the digital currency could get as near as $4,000.  Keiser Report Host Max Keiser has taken a more bullish approach and thinks a $5,000 price is within sight. At the time of this writing, the price of bitcoin is currently trading at $3,167, 
according to CoinMarketCap.

GREAT NEWS: CCB Cryptocurrency is being VALUED at BITCOIN current PRICES




Can't afford it, find someone who can!

CCB is looking for 30 people to make a success example out of:
  • 10 FAU Bitcoin Ambassador Master Founders at a reduced qualification of 15 Bitcoins instead of 30!
  • 10 FAU Bitcoin Diamond Master Founders at a reduced qualification of of 10 Bitcoins instead of 15!
  • 10 FAU Bitcoin Gold Master Founders at a reduced qualification of of 5 Bitcoins instead of 7.5!
Not only has CCB reduced the qualification for such packages but for these 10-10-10 individuals The Company is stepping up to the plate and committing that if the current CCB Marketing Pay Plan does not double the cost of their purchase within 120 days. The Company will use 100% of their profits to PAY THE DIFFERENCE.

The only thing we want in return is to have your permission to put your success story on the website. Because we all know people do not want to follow just possibilities they want to SEE IT and FEEL IT and PROVE IT.

So once the 10-10-10 Founder Master Team is in place. This offer is over. Only one Master Team Founder per 
participant is available. We understand that 95% of our current database can not afford the cost of any of these Master Team Founder Positions. But we know that 50% of most of the serious people reading this update know someone who can step up to the plate.

The bottom line is for CCB to become a MEGA SUCCESS we need real proof that it works for real people. No made up names or positions but real people who can get on a conference call and say my name is, I purchased 
this, I got this back, in this many days. That is the day that the flood gates will open. Let's review:
  • Reduced Qualification Packages.
  • 2x's the cost back within 120 days.
  • The Company profits committed to paying the difference.
  • Master Team Founders commit to website recognition with testimonials. 
If you wish to be a part of this promotion and wish to purchase one of the 10-10-10 FAU Master Team Positions with 15, 10 or 5 Bitcoins. Please send an e-mail to Paul Morris or Joe Reid at CCBMLMTEAM@GMAIL.COM and please put "FAU MASTER TEAM" in the SUBJECT LINE. Include all your contact information!


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